52400 Personal Evangelism (Level 1)
Speaker: Sumner Wemp
Description: Have you ever wondered how to share the Gospel with others so that they too might know the joy of having their sins forgiven and begin a new relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior? This Course on Personal Evangelism is instructive and practical. What should one share with a person on how to become a Christian? What verses of Scripture are very helpful to share in witnessing? How does one start a witnessing conversation? What can one do to assure success? How do you convey the Gospel to someone of a different religion? Dr. Sumner Wemp does a masterful job at clearly presenting a proven method that anyone can personalize and incorporate. Dr. Wemp served on staff at Moody Bible Institute and Liberty University, and was President of Southeastern Bible College. He pastored and spent many years in evangelism and he also authored numerous books and Gospel tracts. He went home to heaven in December of 2012.
There are 8 lessons in this course.